err. what does de fox said ? haha .
meaningless intro today , after i've been taking my time for quite long to update again . but then like seriously my brain cant thinks on what should i share w/ you guys. feels empty empty and zero. hm ade beze ke zero n empty ? ntah la labu . hantam sudaa. kikiki.
sepanjang ketiadaan update aku , xceli bukannye ta de mnde na di share. tapi things y mahu d kongsi terlalu private kod. feels macam ta sesuai na share kat sini . ha, tu la masalah nye sekarang kan ? gagaga . btw, calmly, bravely, proudly i wanna tell you guys that im gonna sit for my FINAL TEST (semester 1) diz upcoming welcome january :) such a great new year to be ! daaaa ~ feels like wanna scream out when i started thinks bout my unfinished reviewing preparation for final . a part from that, feeling like so gorgeously bcz im gonna go home after the final is done ! that one memang awesome ! cant waitttttt ! haha .
Insane me when starts to think bout HOME .
i start to realised bout de importance of being in love with Encik MASA right now. i got no confidence to go trough all of these . yakinkan aku y aku mmpu bngkit ! thinks positively . same for all of my fellas, all de best too ! <3
me start late . just hope for some miracle to happen and i gotta to understand what does dlecturering are all about. plus, my test one got ruined, for all subjects. the test doesnt help me much. my fault. suka sgt take things for granted . now itu makannnn dia ! slowly kita berubah ke arah kebaikan . in Sha Allah. adanya sokongan dorongan mereka di sekeliling aku , family , kawankawan ,
BOYFIE *masalah pabila org single bajet ade couple ! haha
and im just attend integrity's kem last week at kem Damai . woww, the place is so Damai just suitable enough w/ the name. haha . just having a date for 3 days 2 nights there. got to know lots of new friends, new stuff and becoming more integrity's students. HAHA . jkjkjkjkjkjk. i dont think that things would happen deiii ~!
maybe that enough for today. later on , pabila jari jemari ku gatal mahu menaip akn ku coretkan entry baru k :)
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mohon spot sendiri which one is me xD |
wish me luck for Final ~ !