U should not ask me to remember when im almost forget.
im just too ordinary.
lately, im having a bad memory storage.
till also one day dah hampir lupa aku ade blog and when org tye :

"tahu gune blog x ?"

that time, baru lah ingt. ohhh i own a blog too. 
==' sigh 

like seriously ahh ?
but please dont ask me why i behave this way ?

too much aim to grab. yet still little effort that i put on. I need a nice grade for my studies. i knew.
it shouldnt be this way. lazy me still. hm i knew. hm.

also for these :

im not a girl with muscle.
im just dream of myself able to do handstand. thats will be a full of happiness bucket.

its also okay for not having six packs.
i just wanna have a flat tummy.

its also okay for not having fast food.
as long as i got enough meal everyday.

its okay for not called as gym's ladies.
as long as im not belongs to obese's group .

also the gym principle that makes me awake : NO PAIN NO GAIN.

Also sorrrrrrry for the long times without updating,. trying to update things much often later rather than kept them by myself.

coretan merapu by 161cm and 58kgs imperfect lady.


hi uols. 
kabare ? waras ? 
ehh , JAWA lak terkeluarrr =='
maap ! hihhiii. 

lama sgt dah ta update belogs i ni rasenye smpaikan bersawang ! acehhh :p
nothing special had happened. i just go through w/ my new second sem, first year "well". 
hm thick and thin condition same as fat and thin condition. thats normal lah kan ?
u're not a person lah if u never had a difficult's situation. 

time had been flies so soooo fast babe. rasa mcm baru semalam tgk result sem one =='
aisehh mennn.
taw2 je awal bulan 6 ni dah nak start final sem due. 
FINAL ok. not a test >,<
ive learnt so many things !
and lastly, 
wish me luck ! !

ima having kind oof awkward writing since i've been in holiday mood of typing for so long
hence let the picture rolls my activities ! 


leave me alone :'(

awak , saya sayang awak sebenarnya. tapi kadangkadang ur annoying side buat saya rasa nak tinggalkan awak. dah lama jugak saya ambil masa untuk fahami awak. saya simple tapi awak complicated. awak ade terlalu byak adaptation and importance baik untuk ecological mahupun economically. awak buat saya tak keruan, nama awak y pelbagai lagi. puas saya cuba untuk mencari keserasian kita, tapi saya kurang berjaya. pernah saya kecundang dalam mencari keistimewaan awk, bukan sekali, bukan dua kali tapi byak kali. tapi saya sabar sebab saya tahu usaha saya kelak akan membuahkan hasil. dan lately saya mula rasa jatuh cinta terhadap awak, mata saya mula terbuka akan semua kesempurnaan mahupun kekurangan awak. tambahtambah lagi bila saya tahu awk mampu tolerate dalam pelbagai keadaan. saya kagum. tp awk mudah dibawa hanyut oleh water current, awak juga ade bawak bnyak masalah bila ade terlalu bnyak awak :( tapi kan awak,
saya bukan sahaja mengenali awak, malah juga seluruh dunia. tapi maafkan saya pada hari ini saya terpaksa isytiharkan hubungan kita CLASH. cukuplah sampai di sini je. jgn mengharap saya akan kembali. saya harap awak akan menghantui hidup orang lain pulak. jgn carik saya lagi ye. saya tak nak terima awak lagi, tolonglah faham yeeeee ? PLEASEEEEEE :'(

Im glad to know u, tp inilah hakikatnya. Final Exam, carry mark dan segalanya telah selamat dilalui , tunggu result je !! :D

Alhamdulillah , paper aquatic botany akhirnya selesai :)

one more to go !!! MICROBIOLOGY .


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