feels macam nak buat entry pasai nie :) 
fact jadi anak sulung ! hihii .

im the eldest one in da family . 
isunye sekaramg , beban atau amanah?
hmm pada yang sama gn aku , ank sulung tu , aku rasa 99.99% would say korang pernah rasa macam nie kan : 

Tp jadi y sulung nie memang kene pandai2 sendiri laa =='
haa , tu memang selalu kot rasa sebb biasanya aku ni surrounded by non-eldest friends :)
dan bila part buat decision biasanya yang sulung nie akan buat keputusan sendiri, kami kurang bergantung kepada orang lain :)
*nampak tak yang sulung ni lagi matured ? xD

dan bila part dorang cerita pasai abg , kakak dorang . ape y buruk baik pasai dorang =='
actually makes me thinks twice. 
what will my sisters and brotha tell on how me about ? 
hm , kakak yang garang ? baik ? cun 
*mentol atas kepala --'

kadang jadi yang sulung tu , ade jugak buat aku rasa mcm terbeban . 
ya , somehow bein a sista for others 5 adik adik bukan bende yang senang woii . 
tambah lak yang youngest tu , 16 years gap from me ! 
mana tak nya , bak kata pepatah : mana tak tumpahnya kuah kalau ta ke nasi ?

sama la kes nye dgn aku nie ha . mana tidak nya , ape yang aku buat for sure la akan d compare oleh mereka mereka. 
bila kene tegur si adik mula la akan ckap :

kakak hari tu boleh je .
mana aci, kakak ade bende tu .
kakak nie , kakak tuuuu . 

errrr ~

pasai nya bebudak nie senang na ikut perangai org y lg dewasa dri dorang :) 
tp tu laa, being eldest la y buat aku jadi AMANAH . 
Knows why ? sebb bila jadi yang sulung nie , kita la y patot jadi role model untuk adik adik . 
kene la selalu practise of jadi good and do good :)
so kalau n buat something y unworth . sure first fikir family , second adik adik .
kalau y eldest da buat perangai , for sure la kite nak bagi nasihat kat dorang akan dpertikaikan . 
tak gitu ??

dan atas dasar rasa tanggungjawab tu laa, aku menjadi aku yang sekarang :) 

sedar ta sedar pon , aku tgah pursue untuk Degree dah pon . 
ta sedar pon time passes ! 
and bila dah kat u , time balik rumah je dan whenever my breaks is over.
mesti adk2 akan cakap : nak ikut kakak balik :( nak kakak ajar homework.

hmm sad sad . tp tu lah  feel blessed to be ELDEST. 
bkan na ckp jadi ank 2nd 3rd and others ta de tanggungjawab , sama sama ade jugak sebenarnya :))
just a share how i feel bout bein de eldest . 

setiap anak ada tanggungjawab terhadap family :) 
sama sama kita buat Anjakan Paradigma gitu !
pada yang eldest jugak , kite geng ! hihii

last but not least ! bila p kenduri kendare , for sure la owg akan tanya yang
sulung dulu :
Along dah ad calon ke ? 
i was like err ~

haha . nite Fellas :) 

empty is zero

err. what does de fox said ? haha . 
meaningless intro today , after i've been taking my time for quite long to update again . but then like seriously my brain cant thinks on what should i share w/ you guys. feels empty empty and zero. hm ade beze ke zero n empty ? ntah la labu . hantam sudaa. kikiki. 
sepanjang ketiadaan update aku , xceli bukannye ta de mnde na di share. tapi things y mahu d kongsi terlalu private kod. feels macam ta sesuai na share kat sini . ha, tu la masalah nye sekarang kan ? gagaga . btw, calmly, bravely, proudly i wanna tell you guys that im gonna sit for my FINAL TEST (semester 1) diz upcoming welcome january :) such a great new year to be ! daaaa ~ feels like wanna scream out when i started thinks bout my unfinished reviewing preparation for final . a part from that, feeling like so gorgeously bcz im gonna go home after the final is done ! that one memang awesome ! cant waitttttt ! haha . 
Insane me when starts to think bout HOME . 

i start to realised bout de importance of being in love with Encik MASA right now. i got no confidence to go trough all of these . yakinkan  aku y aku mmpu bngkit ! thinks positively . same for all of my fellas, all de best too ! <3

me  start late . just hope for some miracle to happen and i gotta to understand what does dlecturering are all about. plus, my test one got ruined, for all subjects. the test doesnt help me much. my fault. suka sgt take things for granted . now itu makannnn  dia ! slowly kita berubah ke arah kebaikan . in Sha Allah. adanya sokongan dorongan mereka di sekeliling aku , family , kawankawan ,
BOYFIE  *masalah pabila org single bajet ade couple ! haha

and im just attend integrity's kem last week at kem Damai . woww, the place is so Damai just suitable enough w/ the name. haha . just having a date for 3 days 2 nights there. got to know lots of new friends, new stuff and becoming more integrity's students. HAHA . jkjkjkjkjkjk. i dont think that things would happen deiii  ~! 

maybe that enough for today. later on , pabila jari jemari ku gatal mahu menaip akn ku coretkan entry baru k :) 

mohon spot sendiri which one is me xD
wish me luck for Final ~ !


haloo there :*

for this entry , firmly its nothing . hm nothing and nothing .
the reason kenapa aku ckp nothing ? hm ntah la wehh , trying to adapt myself here.
tp seems tak berjaya lagi. keep on trying :)

the only and best part here is masa kami p SURVIVAL LAUT . ini syok wa ckp sama lu.
program ni d jalankan d private island yang khas untuk UMT je . PULAU BIDONG <3
there, byak aktiviti smpaikan aku rasa kalau aku cerita pagi petang ehh dah malam pon tak habis.
so kite pendekkan la ? kira aci la kan ? kalau nk tahu jugak , PM aku . haha
tp the best part is SNORKELING .
live tgok keindahan dasar lautan . Masya Allah . cantik sgt :))
program tu just dua hari , seems tak cukup laah . nak lagi !

kita pergi part nothing balik ye sahabat sahabat .
hari nie terasa bagai nothing sebb hari ni takde class langsung .
tapi still kene stay kat sini cz esok ade Lab Botany.
haaa, di sini lah bermula episod nothing nye k .
bcz nothing to do here.
in fact , many things actually .
arhhh , just pretend not to have it ! lalalala .
so hari bersama sama la kita stuck d hostel .
na jalan ganu , ta tahu jalan . ini sedih :(

bersabar la hati !haha
entry kali nie pon nothing sebab takde picha .
al maklum henfon belum d ganti .
sob sob . so please imagekan semdiri kesyokkan keboringan wa di sini ! :D
later smbung laghiii !

its lunch time . jomm melantak :p


haluuu and whassup all !
de title was decision ! thats it . i have made my own  parents decision.
going to UMT , accept UMT, study there .


ok dear peeps , my MINGGU JALINAN MESRA (MJM) aka orientasi's week has been settle.
err ~ takde la week sangat kennn , kalau just 4 days je pon ?
so far , quite bored =='

about campus , nice . nampak macam luxurious gitu . haha
but , tang hostel . haihh , konfirm semua student merungut pasai nie except whose yang dapat Blok 1 or Blok 2. blok2 selesa , katil besauuu , bilik besauuu and so on laaa . tapi pada kami yang dapat  blok selain drpd tu memang quite shocked laa . kalau dulu kat mtrik pon merungut bilik kecik ,kat sini apatah lagi .
everything was half from matric :(
damnly hate it .
bilik ngam2 je luas, katil double decker, locker satu pintu , shower and toilet pon kecik jee .
hmm , tapi what to do kan ?
just accept it . bak kata senior2 , bersyukur jelaa :)) ok ok

and today actually we have start our first classes. quite awkward la , Sunday , but ada kelas kan ?
haha . baru attend satu kuliah tadii , petang nnti ada kelas sains samudera .
pagi tadi biasa laa ,memang keluar awal , takot sesat >,< huhu
then lalu ikot jalan Biawak , and memang banyak pon Biawak kat situ ! dah saa besauu gn Buaya lak tu .
tapi Alhamdulillah , tak sesat . yeayyyy !  ^^
petang karang ta taw lah bakal sesat or tak / HAHA .

apart from that , i got a story to tell , masa orientasi hari tu ,hari rabu, aku ada try naseb p saringan palapes . everything was well until i went to command station ! ho laa , mana lah muka aku ni taw command , kawad bagai ! tapi tu laa , eden toraiii . hahaa.
memang lawakk wehhh . malu gile bile ingat balik . and dorang cakap akan ada saringan lagi nnti.

the story start when petang jumaat tu ,aku balik rumah mak sedara kat area situ jugak laa . tak expect pon nak bermalam , taw2 je bermalam kat sana .
then bila contact2 gn dorang nie , dorang cakap short list untuk yang layak saringan Palapes dah keluar, aku pon macam endah tak endah laa . yelaa , rasa macam ta dapat .
but the opposite thing has happen ! petang sabtu aku balik hhostel and check nama , taw2 my name was there babe ! totally insane rasa masa tu .
yang jadi masalah problem nye saringan tu pagi , aku balik dah petang .
means aku dah terlepas la saringan tu :'(
sangat lah sedihh , sampai je bilik memang MERAUNG menangis sepuas hati laa . yelaa , hopely dapat , bile dah dapat i dont get a chance to manage it . super duper merana lah that time :(

tapi tu laa, maybe ada hikmah nye ==' who knows ?
and one more , for cocu activity , aku register for Rodat . nak taw apa tu rodat ?
aku pon ta nampak lagi cahayanya pada Rodat tu . hihiii~
later kita sambung ! mih mihhhh mihhhhhh ! HAHA :D

soory got no picha for this entry because my camera's phone has been missing :'(
wish me all de best yaw :3

mimpi ngeri yang indah

hai peeps ! :)
long time not see yaw . haha
okay , straight go to the headline today .
MIMPI NGERI YANG INDAH , ye itu lah yang aku alami sekarang .
nape ngeri ? tapi indah ? ok macam niee.

hari tu aku da pergi interview untuk UNIKL MIAT and as the result i manage to success w/ it .
so then , i got offer for Bachelor in Aviation Management. that was really unpredictable !
tak sangka i can make it during the interview session. bile cek and dapat taw , aku dapat memang gembira habis laa . kononnya itu salah satu back up plan yang menjadi la if aku ta dapat upu. another reason is that aku memang minat , suke, interest and pelbagai lagi lah yang sama waktu dgnnya terhadap corse tu . mana taknya , sampai je kat unikl tu , nampak aero and helyy kat hangar dorang tu , excited gile okaay ? seriously , tgok tu pon dah buat aku half-melt actually. haha

and yesterday , result of upu are coming ! di sini lah bermulanya mimpi ngeri aku yang indah tu ! haa , aku dapat UMT, first choice aku, Biology Marine. masa cek tu , punya lah bercampur aduk perasaan aku , mana taknya itu pon another pilihan aku, minat aku . dan sekarang nie apa yang indah ialah aku berjaya dapat apa yang aku nak . yang buat aku tak caya boleh dapat , ialah berbekalkan result pngk yang secukup makan je , mulanya memang tak yakin langsung boleh dapat corse tu =='
tapi, itulah yang orang panggil rezeki :)

bukan satu pilihan yang aku dapat , tapi kedua-duanya sekali. yang ngerinya pulak, aku sedar yang nak tak nak aku kena pilih , kena buat keputusan untuk pilih UMT or UNIKL .
kat UMT , tentang corse tu aku memang dah jumpa sorang senior yang dah explain about less and more w/ the corse . seems too interesting for me. about the scuba, diving and so on lagi.

both ada pro and contras. kalau accept UMT , consume money tentang nnti kena buat lesen scuba. tapi itu pun sem3 nanti , kalau ikutkan apa yang senior aku cakap la .
UNIKL pon ada makan duit jugak , mana taknya swasta kan ? ye , swasta. so faham faham aja lah kan.
kalau kat UNIKL, aku boleh amek loan Mara. tapi tak pada UMT , yang maybe aku terpaksa amek ptptn je. Mara ada diskau tentang payment kalau excell, tpi kalauptptn memang kene dapat first class of degree kalau nak jadikan loan tu as scholar.

but still aku dalam dilema, tak tahu nak pilih yang mana satu , UNIKL MIAT pon actually tak senang nak dapat , kene interview dulu,stusy dulu and tak semua candidate yang di temuduga dipilih .
UMT pulak , aku caya yang aku dapat corse pointer kat matrik and cz of rezeki .

so now. i got no choice other than making Istikharah's sholat and ask for Him to show me the right way to go .

dear friend, pray for me.


heyy there . there ? okay . im awake , awake from everything ==' 
still cant close my eyes tightly . oh demn it . i hate this killing situation . idk why its must be happen to me . too much things happen by today . still dont have my sleep !! 

approach him again after 7 YEARS . OKEEEEY . 7 YEARS . that stupid lil thing obviously making my heart beat increase ! 
err . stupid much . 
hows am i suppose to have that kind of feeling ? =='

stop till there only . and here about my preparation for the last two papers . TWO PAPERS . just know , using my unused sleep time , doin' my revision for physics <3 PHYSICS , you should know that i love you much ! :* and for CHEMISTRY , we'll meet too after this :)

apart from there , lets went to other part of my life . i just being offered an interview for BACHELOR IN AVIATION MANAGEMENT in UniKL . even its just an interview offered , its give a greatest impact for my life . trust me . such a wonderful memory to be shared with . i love SKY and AEROPLANE  <3 

even my last entry is bout my decision to turn to MARINE =='
its still under my thinking . just go on with the interview . either i pass or not ? that would be another story soon. 

in my happy much situation , there is still something that make me to have a reason for being too sad here. i will be the most happy GUY girl , after done w/ my exam . but then , there is a fact that i need to go through . we need to wave a good bye , sayonara stuff to LONDANG :'( 
such a sad story to be shared . after two years, the time gonna separate us !
 they are really mean to me  !!.
please dearest heart , be strong . :) 

till meet you guys again , 




Owner of de blog :) 
im not smiling because im happy just i want you see hows strong i am :')


hai all of youuu <3
haa , taraa . to making de intro shorten , lets put out the unfuntion Lac Z first . err , kaitan ? haha . hm dush ! *sakit . mengarut je keje , hm cm nie la , meh aku cite ye . aku ase everything starts to changed slowly . betool . kalau dulu ,aku laa penggila habis bout aero. and nows me turn to marine . oh mennn ! why it is happend ? simply answer to said , i found marine also had its own interesting parts too :) betoll . for whose love adventure , you can choose to be in air or under sea . even la sebelom nie aku macam frust gegile sebab tak layak apply aero cz factor gender .yelaa , nak jadik PILOT sgt kennnn ?

refer entry nie :

okey . but then sekarang dah mula rasa something changed . i turn to marine . YES :) In Sha Allah . thats would be my right choice for my bachelor :) pray for me ? AMINNN .
ape ape pon yang aku dapat nanti , aku harap itu yang terbaik . by the way , course yang aku agung2 kan tadi nama nya BIOLOGY MARINE , aku apply kat UMT . kampung halaman tuu ! haha . tak banyak u yang offered course nie and course nie memang hangat ohh kat UMT niee . yelaa , tempat pon strategik meh !

for whose yang ta berape tahu sgt pasal corse nie , biaq la aku cite skit ehh . cz aku pon dulu knows nothing pasal corse nie . but right after buat survey , maklumat2 google , tanya senior2 , from lecture opinion , dorang bagi kata putus that aku perlu wajib apply corse niee . tye dorang tentang jam redit , what to study and etc.
chewaah ,
haha , hm cmnie , corse nie awal2 lagi kita dah tahu msti got something to do w/ water la kan , dah nama pon marine ==' student kene kaji tentang kehidupan2 laut , ape yang ada kat permukaan laut , terumbu2 karang tu ,need to do diving . plus sape yang already own scuba lesen , such an advantage lah tu weeh.. tapi pendek cite , memang corse nie AWESOME <3 but corse nie costly sikit , sikit laa . yelaa , nak masuk laut kan :) tapi amek corse nie dah macam amek pakej honeymoon mase belajar je . g pulau bagaii :)
penat tu confirm nye ! tapi for de fun , you worth it la beb . mesti ade budak fakulti lain jeles wehh !

bout kerje , jangan nak pk sgt jgn risau . corse nie tak kan d offered lah kalau memang tak jamin keje . just to work a bit hard la untuk corse nie . cz mental fizikal kena sama2 ups la beb ! kesibukan kelas untuk corse nie pon act luar biasa sikit . however , aku dah ready and nekad ! aceceeee , ape2 pon berbekalkan pointer aku niee , aku harap sgt aku layak untuk itu :)
kalau dah rezeki tak ke mana kan ? tak gitu ? who knows one day : aku akan jadik pegawai marin and etc yang berkaitan laut2 nie ! :D

last wish : GOODLUCK FOR PSPM <3 ^^


haii peeps :) its has been too long for me away from this blog . and kekadang about to forget yang ak nie still ade blog to be handle . haha. *sigh ! big problems of you ateen !

okeey , nothing much to talk about . could be this is the last entry for me in KMM , since i have less than a month here. and then gonna back to my hometown . KUANTAN . im damly miss you like crazy hell . but , still in my black spot of the heart, i feels like too hard to leave KMM . dats not cause of the surrounding , de places, de foods or etc . but its just because of the PEOPLE here . they are really make my day here :'(

Cc : my beloved roomate , SYAZELA AZUA, AQILAH , NADIA AMER
de best merrier classmate : D11T4 , especially TYRA KAMAL :)
my adorable lectures too <3

PDT 2011/2013 batch too !

oh my God , they are really make me feels so sick when im start to thinks that i need to leave KMM, leave Malacca . and idk for how long ==' will i be here again ? krik2  .

too speechless to talk about my experience here .
too much memories in sugary or too salty here . and those things really help me much .
they help me to build a new stronger me than before .
and i need to admit that , im might having bleeding in my eyes when de last day of here will coming soon .

but thats it , every single pertemuan must be there is perpisahan too . SAYONARA ~
We have been through too much memories here .

the previous three big Exam here ,

and nows the last one is coming to said hi to me :

and here , i wanna share bout my last gather w/ classmate .
we had an overnight activity at pengkalan balak together :)
check in at D'ceria chalet .
BBQ's time together, chit chat , gossiping . lepaking and all together .
thats would be de best memories ever after . i will miss you guys soon :*
( 6 April - 7 April  ) , two days one night .

please dont ever forget me :'(

for de people around me too, please have a single space in ur heart so that you can put me in ur heart too . PLEASE . make it true babe and dude .
for me , its not an easy stuff to let me forget you guys . In Sha Allah , our relay will last forever .
yet . still bersedih ! *sobs . im about to say that i dont want this temporary perpisahan .
i wanna make a rewind video so that i can always remembering our journey here .
in sad, happiness and too much things to describe more =='
guys , i heart you guys :*

#this entry make me about to making de diamond falls from my eyes act .
continue w/ my study for de last PSPM :)


                                         THE EVENING <3

me and fahana

tyra and fana

she's ieti . im faten

tour de road . lalala~


bancuh air 

ayam and hot dog on FIREE !

setel masak2 .

2nd picha after masak2 


breakfast time , really candid :)

right in front of our chalet

sementara tunggu pak cik teksi , snap2 again =='
waitin' for de last cab . the GUYS 

kat depan KMM , before scan and disahkan kene block beramai2 =='

cafe time :) and enjoy the whole trip's day 

collage's pics 


i will love all of you my dearesT fellow friends . lets pray together so that our friendship wont ruin and got blunt ends :)
babe and dude , wishing you guys all de best future and beat de world to get what you've been aim for . you can do it . trust your heart say :)
wherever you are . whoever you are for the next 5 years, 10 years and so on . it gonna be too hard for me to forget you guys :'(
 please hold our memories together tightly <3 

our members : Dzarif, Aizat , Muhd Nur, Wan Ajix ,
Hajar, Nisa, Ieti, Tyra, Fana, Sarah, Piqah, Wawa, Ain, Myra and ME :) 

and also for the rest members whose use to be in our class too :)

after beberapa ketika =='

haiii guys . and greatt greating sikit ! hahahaa *lompat2 . kayy , over ye .
hm lepas dah bape lama tak ngedate  . update benornyee , kali nie aku kembali . im back . come on , here2 !
dude babe , im hereeee <3 #inisemuapoyo
ok . ngarut sgt niee . hm yelaa , pasal entry nie tak bnyak sgt nak cite  sume mende macam suam2 ayam jee haa . tade pape da kot . haha . hm everything macam run well je aku ghase . gua rase hidup macam good2 je . UPS hari tu ? errr ? macam ok n tak ok . but , paper CHEM macam hancor sikit . peeehh . part nie pedih okeeey . yang lain tu ok je kot . aku pon dah siapkan BIOKIT :) alaaa , assigment subjek BIOLOGY sem niee , kene wat biokit tu haa .

okeey , hari niee seems macam besejrah sikit . ok . sikit je dan tak byak mne pon . haha .
hari nie secara rasmi nye kami dapat hak kami . yee . hak bermain hak kami. *jogetjogetlompatlompat !
xcely , hari nie dah dapat baucer buku and kad siswa . alaaa , baucer yang dulunye due ratoos henngit skunk dah 250 tuu . see ? kerajaan syg kami <3 INI POLITIK. JANGAN TIRU  . HAHA . and kad siswa tu kire macm diskaun laa bg student untuk beli pape and dapat diskaun gituu . haa , kat kepc pon bulih gune taww . haha . itu baguiih . but then valid smpai end of diz year je . kirenye kad tu valid a year jela. pandai2 laaa kau gune yee kengkawan (:
wahh , bajet betol ayat . macam aku nie reti sgt bab belanjawan niee . hampehh -.-
And semalam mase ade wakil menteri datang , aku and the gang koir terjun (sama mksud gn bidan terjun) ade perform mase tuu . haha . sje je gtaw . :D dgn dah laa ade satu lagi yang kitorang baru forst time dgr, lagu baru melaka . title : MELAKA MAJU NEGERIKU SAYANG <3 #ehhh . haha . tapi best jugak laa lagu tu . kalau nak dgr , mohon jase pengd/d bijak anda bagi yee . hahaa

tanpa sedar jugak , dalam sedar tak sedar niee dah almost due tahun aku jadik officially student matrik melaka niee haa . hm awl bulan 5 dah nak habis niee haaa . kejap jugak rupenyee . bagusss nye !!! yeaaaay !!!

makin lama jari menaip , makin banyak mengarut sebenarnye . (nie hipotesis aku je taw )
jgn nak meniru aku yee ! haha , ok . gurau jee . suke suki hampa la yee nak tiru kee , ape kee . aku redha je syg <3 haha .

baiklahhh anak2 sekalian , mama aku stop dulu yee . nanti jumpe lagiii . nite . all de best babe and dude <3 <3

                                          BIOKIT AKU. (LIVER AND STRUCTURE)




and niee kad siswa and baucer yang aku dapat hasil beratur pjg2 kat DEWAN UTAMA tadi :)


well . everything started and need to be end . from the previous post to be continued, officially , its ended already . done and finish . *close the book*
open new book by the middle of first month in new year . a bit late actually .
takpe , smpat jugak kan syg ?
hm done with him . aku kene teruskan hidup jugak , yela . benafas guna oksigen jugak okeey ? bukan nye share diving tank pon . *kaitan ? ehhh
persoalannya , mampu ke ehh aku betahan cmnie ?*nyanyi2 sikit - mapukah ku betahan , o oohoo*
 errk . boleh nye kan . wish me luck !

hm kureng two weeks dah nak mid sem exam actually . my preparation is about 50-50 i guess , still got something to catch up soon especially in chemistry and biology .
step by step fate. then u'll manage to achieve ur target ! INSYA ALLAH .
and a little bit about MUET result , i've got an impress result *maybe* . aim to get band 4 actually =='
bersyukur jela seadanya kan . not so so so bad but still belom puas hati . yelaa , bukan manusia la kalau mudah nak bpuas hati . mueheehe .
memacam betol aku nie kan ?

another things about upu . suppose dah isi upu niee , tapi aku still belom beli pin number and not so sure about corse yang aku nak apply nty . alahaii , naseb badan betool . cepatlah fikir !!! ;'(
alamakkk . macammane nie ? korang ? tolonglaa :'(

enough enough . nak smbung study *boleh caye ke?* HAHA . emm , esok aku ade presentation english . early in the morning pulak tu . wish me luck dear ! :D
*lap2 peluh , nak hilang kan nervous*

thank babee :*

put the blame on me =='

Assalamualaikum (:

heeyy. kayy . nampak title hari nie tak ? hm nampak kan ? *anggukangguk*. baguih hampa suma :D
nape aku ckp cm tu ? trust me . aku memang rase semua salah drpd aku . aku je . reason ? EGO =='
tinggi nye ego aku ?? ye. memang sgt tinggi. setinggi bangunan pencakar awan maybe =='
OMG. lupe na cite laa ape sbenarnye jadi. yelaa. na bgtw nie . that things happen just a few days ago actually. its all about aku gn die, capital H. hm kami gadoh, eh tak . bukan gadoh. tapi salah paham. mungkin ? ohh, tak kot. ego aku. ye . tu sebenarnye yang betol. teroknye perangai aku nie . 
entah macam mane that things happen . aku totally rase mcm, hmm still ta cye . antara aku gn die , kosong. got nothing btween us after accident tu . YA ALLAH , ape dah rasuk aku mase tu ? smpai aku buat die mcm tu ? kejamnye aku. :'(

deeply inside jantung hati aku , aku sayang kau :) jgn tanya aku macm mana, ape n kenapa aku syg kau H . tapi tu je aku mmpu ckp =='
at first , mase mula2 aku accept kau dalam hidup aku , aku memang keep terfikir yang aku ta deserve dapat guy sebaik kau . yelaa, bcz you deserve more sayang . not suppose kau gn aku . aku nie ? apelah sgt . poyo je mungkin ? betol lah org kate , pasai mulut , badan binasa. kan ? semua nye jadik pasal aku y mintak . ye . aku yang mintak clash. aku admit . aku tak snggup lagi nak biarkan kau tetap je sabau gn perangai aku .betol cakap kau . aku ta reti nak tunjuk aku hargai kau n mungkin aku memang tak penah hargai kau . *dalam hati menangis* hmm nape aku sedih ? dah dah . aku sepatutnya happy for him. after diz , boleh la die cari gurl yang lagi layak untuk die . nak compare kan aku . hm payahh . die terlalu baik untuk aku . tapi aku ? 

lepas nie , hilang lah tempat aku nak membebel mcm selalu , na cite pasal perangai lecture kat sini, prob aku lagi .dah tade sape yang akan marah aku kalau aku 'overtime' dgn game . sape lagi ? da tade sape yang nak teman aku tgok movie saeng lagi :'( annnddd the most thing , sure orang kuning aku kene strok lepas nie . dah tade sape nak kacau die lagi.sunyi lah kau En. kuning. maafkan aku ;'(

apeape pon jadi , aku kene ikhlaskan hati . semuanye aku serahkan kat takdir je . bukan senang sebenarnye nak facing semua nie . andainya aku kuat sekuat POPEYE *ape kaitan ? *
akan aku cuba ! macam hari nie, aku keep dgn game je .

one more things , thanks for the cadbury sayang :)
ingat lagi , aku akan cakap hari2 birthday aku cz aku nak mintak chocolate . sampaikan kau akn cakap, nnti bile kite kahwin , "saya kasi hantaran 11 dulang coklat ye ? "
maafkan aku. aku buat semua nie cz terpakse .

dah dah.tu semua dulu punye cite je. 2013. tahun nie, awal2 tahun lagi aku da simpan memory cm nie . takpe . be strong ! yay . kau mampu. faking smile :)

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